I love sound.
I am fascinated with its power to connect people.
I am captivated how something with no mass, physicality or tangibility can hit people with such force, like when you feel the bass pumping in your chest, or when you press a sub up against a wall and can feel it at the other end of the house.
The only reason I've ever enjoyed being in a church is at a cathedral, when the acoustics have been so beautifully planned that any sound saturates your body and immediately, your mood changes.
I love how sound can change a mood.
Just this morning I was so moved by a song that I completely broke down. Just one song. The sound of sadness.
Just last night, the music made me so fucking happy that I couldn't keep the smile off my face. The sound of love.
Just last week, the music was so loud, I could feel it ringing in my ears, but yet it wasn't hardcore or rock, it was an age old song on bagpipes. (I'm a highland dancer okay). The sound of pride.