Thursday, December 3, 2009

four seven four oh!

Thanks to Urban Dictionary, I found quite possibly the best description of Mackay that I could ever dream of(look down at the bit in italics).
This town (no, it isn't a city; there isn't a cathedral) is by large, devoid of culture, creativity and tact. Society has become similar to a strict religious cult, with most people adhering to a uniform of sorts, depending on their age group. A group of friends will more than likely have the same hairstyle, makeup, brands of clothes, fashion, mobile phones, iPods, sometimes even shoes and cars. There is no air of diversity whisping through the minds of Mackay youth; no one wants to look different and no one wants to stand out. No one wants to take that leap of faith and actually make a decision for themselves, and instead turn to the rest of the followers for what would be the accepted thing to do in a particular situation. This lack of ability to make individual decisions leaves society lacking any individual morals or ethics. This has snowballed into a youth culture which feels it is acceptable for people to just follow everyone else, and drink until you pass out every weekend, not to mention the drug culture which is due to an increase in disposable income, in an already high socio-economic area.
Mackay lives for the weekend.
When the weekend comes, it tries as hard as it possibly can to kill itself.

A town in north Queensland filled with whingers that fall under the following categories : Rich miners, Hard-done-by farmers, Intoxicated Truck drivers, Shallow women (ie miners, farmers and truck drivers wives) and residents who secretly wish they could be one of these, but can't so they whinge even more. The most common form of whinging is done via text message to the local paper.
Girl: Hi fellow mackay resident, what do you do for a living, want to go out?

Boy: I am a farmer that drives trucks at the mines who enjoys working under the influence and I also like to send whinging sms's into the local paper.
Girl: Oh wow. I am a shallow, materialistic, money obsessed attention seeker!
Boy: Awesome, we are perfect for each other
Girl: Yay.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

we are the sound

I love sound.

I am fascinated with its power to connect people.

I am captivated how something with no mass, physicality or tangibility can hit people with such force, like when you feel the bass pumping in your chest, or when you press a sub up against a wall and can feel it at the other end of the house.

The only reason I've ever enjoyed being in a church is at a cathedral, when the acoustics have been so beautifully planned that any sound saturates your body and immediately, your mood changes.

I love how sound can change a mood.

Just this morning I was so moved by a song that I completely broke down. Just one song. The sound of sadness.

Just last night, the music made me so fucking happy that I couldn't keep the smile off my face. The sound of love.

Just last week, the music was so loud, I could feel it ringing in my ears, but yet it wasn't hardcore or rock, it was an age old song on bagpipes. (I'm a highland dancer okay). The sound of pride.

Monday, October 26, 2009

this time baby, I'll be bulletproof

I'm falling yet again.

I hope I dont get hurt this time, I hope I'll be ok.
I hope this will be as good as it seems, in every single way.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

i'll thumb your tack in a minute if you're not careful

Brooke forgot to blog for a while there
I was busy at work, getting harassed by customers, only to get the minimum wage.
For future reference:
1. It is NOT OKAY to greet the me with "hello tiger". I don't care how much fun you're having 'on the prowl', just don't do it.
2. It is NOT OKAY to try and hold my hand as I give you change. ew.
3. It is NOT OKAY to ask me if I know your grandson, or if i'm interested in meeting him. I only work at the shop, I myself am not for sale.
4. It is NOT OKAY to find out when I finish work and wait out front in your convertible with the top down, as the wind whistles over the liverspots on your balded head, and ask if I want a ride home.

With that out of the way, my doily dress a little over half done. Sorry to anyone else in Mackay who went thrifting to buy doilies, there are none left after I've been on a mission. Oh wait, maybe you wouldn't know my plan.
Op shop ball is coming for St Pats (I know, I shudder too when I read St Pats) and I wanted to go a step further than the usual 80's shoulder pad dress, because I bought my formal dress from salvation army for $4.50 (nothing like a half price sale at a thrift shop). Instead, I'm making a dress out of doilies. epic win.

Monday, September 21, 2009

You Had Me @ Hello

So there's this boy. Let's call him @.
I love @, and have done so for some time. However, I'm not dating @, I'm not his girlfriend, he has no commitment to me.
When I'm with @, it feels like nothing in the world could go wrong, but lately i can feel my chances with him slipping through my fingertips like a japanese silk scarf. Have you ever held Japanese silk? It feels like nothing. I'm beginning to notice that my relationship with @ really is silk; its nothing.
It kills me to feel this distant from the one I love, when he is so close.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

heroes get remembered, legends never die

so I pretty much haven't had time to blog for ages. reet.
Last night was my last ever dancing concert, yeah I know it's petty but after thirteen years, it was the end. But it's great because I never have to run through backstage of the entertainment centre, half changed costumes as I go, to make it on in time for the fir the next item. You probably wouldn't have ever tried it, but it turns out I can change out of an english red coat costume into a full kilt in about eighty-six seconds.

A late start at school today, thanks to mum.
Brooke: "mum can I be late to school to get tickets to soundwave"
Mum: "whats soundwave"
Brooke: "oh just some music festival"
Mum: "will there be drugs there?"
Brooke: "no. absolutely not. (hahahah)"
Dad: "will there be boys there?"
Brooke: "definitely not. there will be no boys at soundwave."

Friday, September 11, 2009

all you sucka MC's aint got nothing on me

eight exams are over. thank fuck.
but now I'm left with two more assignments to do this weekend, before my dancing concert next weekend. Yes, my life really is that lame. Chemistry isn't really worth doing; we have to do a full analysis of some wine we made (I don't see the point, all it smells like is cheap goon) and its impossible, I've all but given up.
For english, I have to write my autobiography. One small problem, I don't know who I am. I know that I've changed; but how do I know how much?

Monday, September 7, 2009

I wish I could do better by you 'cause its what you deserve

I've come to love the work of courtney brims over the past few weeks, its mystical.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

what the fuck do i want to do for the rest of my life?

so last week i did the QCS, which helps calculate my FP's which goes towards my OP which goes on my QCE. Then i'll apply to QTAC with my LUI to see if i actually get into a course. So many acronyms, so little time.

It seems surreal that im 16 and about to apply to courses that will pretty much shape what i'm going to do for the rest of my life. How am I supposed to choose between courses?

I want to be a mathematician, because math is beautiful. I love the way that it can prove something, and all of the elements fall into place and everything cancels out leaving only the answer. But if i do a degree in math, will I even get a job? Will it be bland and repetitious?

I want to be an acoustic engineer, because sound is fascinating. I love the way that it crosses over the senses. Like you can hear sound, feel sound when the bass is pumping in your chest and see sound when you see the soundwaves. But currently, there is no course for this. Dang.

Most of all, I want to be a model. It absolutely captivates me. I love doing fashion shows and photo shoots are simply the most fun you can have with your clothes on. But i need to leave Mackay, obviously. I need an agent, but how do I get one? Nothing is certain, nothing is guaranteed.

Left in a state of disarray, where do I go from here?

Friday, September 4, 2009

colder than my heart if you can imagine

I'm fascinated by the way society can construct things for everyone to believe. Following the pack, we all accept and conform to what could be complete bullshit to be the truth. Is there any reality beyond what we personally know and have proof for?

Love is a strange idea. No one can truly define it through words, pictures or song. Every time, love hurts, but yet every time, we start over, and chase it again. If it wasn't so good, it wouldn't be worth the hurt or the chase. How do we know that love exists? Its the centre of our lives, the centre of society, but have you noticed that there seems to be 'right' and 'wrong' types of love?

Its constructed by the truths of society that love can only between man and woman, only loving one person, and that one person must be of the same age and class as you. But if love is supposed to be spiritual and personal, do we not have the right to decide this for ourselves and make our own truths, but does there have to be truths at all, is it not enough to simply live, and love, without asking for truths or acknowledgement, or a little smiley face sticker for being perfect?